Connect & Heal – 🌲🌳BLACK FOREST YOGA & HEALING SOUND RETREAT. Frühbucherrabbatt bis zum 31. Mai




From an ayurvedic perspective, ghee (clarified butter) is one of the most important substances that we can add to our diet. It is known as “ghrta” in Sanskrit, from the root “ghr,” which means “to shine.” The golden nectar of ghee literally allows the body and mind to shine with a radiant aura and a refined brilliance. It tastes a bit like popcorn and symbolizes healing in its purest form. Ghee increases ojas, the most refined of the seven tissues—essence of immunity and inner radiance. It aids in digestion and helps to improve absorption and assimilation of nutrients. It strengthens memory and lubricates the connective tissue. Ghee is also a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the seven dhatus or tissues of the body. It simultaneously supports the elimination of toxic waste material (ama) out of the body through the digestive tract. For that reason, it is used in ayurvedic cleanses and panchakarma treatments. Ghee pacifies pitta and vata dosha and is acceptable, in moderation, for kapha. Ghee is sattvic (pure) in nature and rich in prana, the universal life force. It supports physical strength, clarity and harmony of mind, good health – and aids in longevity.

I use ghee for almost everything in the kitchen. I use it for cooking and sautéing, I spread it on toast or add a spoonful to my morning porridge and spiced bedtime milk. I melt it over steamed vegetables and basmati rice. I use it for roasting spices for dhals and curries, soups and kitchari. When I burn myself in the kitchen, I use ghee to help in the healing process.

Making your own ghee at home is a beautiful weekly ritual. Although you can buy ghee in many health food stores nowadays, you never know, how the cows that gave their milk for it, have been treated. When the milk for the ghee (even if it is organic) came from farmers who remove the horns of their cows, the ghee will not carry the same healing properties. The horns are very important as – besides other reasons – the cow also stores toxins and heavy metals in them. When the horns are removed, the toxins end up in the milk – one of the reasons, many people develop lactose intolerance. I did some research and found that in health food stores in my hometown (Freiburg), there is only one brand of butter (Demeter) which carries the little sign “from cows with horns.” All other butters don’t.

The 5-day “Nectar & Beauty” retreat on Mallorca that Amrita Ma Devi and I offer together in April (15-19) is dedicated to sharing our knowledge and many years of experience with Ayurveda with you. You will learn, how applying its wisdom supports a happy life, as well as the process of yogic transformation. We will teach you how to make your own ghee, and also how to make various medicinal ghees to aid in your wellbeing and inner glow.

Ayurvedische Rezepte



Vor kurzem bin ich von einer ayurvedischen Reinigungskur zurückgekehrt. Eine Panchakarma Kur wird auch als die “Intelligenz des Ayurveda” bezeichnet, da sie unsere Selbstheilungskräfte aktiviert und potentiell krankmachenden Faktoren (doshas) den Nährboden entzieht. Während der Ölmassagen haben neben mir exotische Kräuter geköchelt, und es war sehr berührend, diese Medizin in den Händen zu halten, während der Arzt ein vedisches Mantra gesungen hat. Die Kraft des Rituals und der Intention wurden mir sehr bewusst.

Ayurveda in Verbindung mit dem inneren Weg von Yoga besitzt eine enorme, wenn nicht magische Fähigkeit, uns mit der Kraft von Erfüllung und purer Freude zu verbinden – dem tiefsten Grund von Bewusstsein. Ayurveda lehrt uns, unsere individuelle, physische Konstitution zu verstehen und liebevoll zu akzeptieren, was wir nicht verändern können. Eine transformative Meditations-Praxis hingegen trägt uns in die Weiten des inneren Himmels und öffnet uns für die Transformation unser Limitierungen. Beide Wege verbinden uns mit den Kräften der Natur sowie mit der Kraft, die alles Leben hervorbringt, die Raum und Zeit transzendiert. Damit solch eine transformative Praxis Früchte tragen kann, müssen wir mit den universellen Kräften in und um uns herum in tiefere Beziehung treten und lernen, mit ihnen zu arbeiten. Dies ist der Schlüssel zur inneren Alchemie. Das Wissen um das Wirken der fünf großen Elemente (maha bhutas) ist somit die Basis für innere Selbsterforschung. Ayurveda als “das Wissen vom Leben” war aus diesem Grunde schon immer eng verwoben mit der inneren Praxis von Yoga.

In diesem Frühjahr bieten wir viele Möglichkeiten, sich selbst durch Yoga und Ayurveda tiefer zu erforschen, um das eigene Potential von Heilung und Lebensfreude freizulegen. Es gibt einen Vortrag auf Spendenbasis und wir freuen uns, von April bis Juni wieder unsere beliebte Ayurveda Basis Ausbildung anzubieten. Im April findet dann das erste Mal der 5-tägige Retreat “Nectar & Beauty” in Mallorca statt, welches ich gemeinsam mit der ayurvedischen Köchin Amrita Ma Devi anbiete – nach der begeisterten Resonanz auf unsere Ayurvedic Cooking Wochenenden in Freiburg. Mehr dazu, und weitere Infos in unserem Newsletter


Much Love to all,

Om Namah Shivaya

Sundari Ma, mit Ralf Schultz & Soma Yoga Team

Ayurvedische Rezepte

How to Make Calendula Oil

How to Make Calendula Oil

Here is a little ode to Calendula 🌼 I adore these flowers. They have a sunny, joyful personality and disperse any sadness in the blink of an eye. At this time of the year, it is easy to discover their bright orange and yellow heads in wild gardens.

I remember the first time I used this plant for healing purposes. More than 20 years ago, my best girlfriend came back from the dentist with a swollen cheek. I asked her, how I could be of help and she said: “Find a garden and pick some calendula flowers. We can squash them and put them on my face.” Off I went. I knew exactly where to find the flowers. Just outside of my hometown, hobby farmers own some flower and vegetable patches. I was lucky to find an elderly lady in her garden amidst an abundance of calendula flowers, their heads glowing in the evening light. Long story short: I told her about my friend. She let me pick her flowers. I went back to my friend with a bag of scented sunlight. We made the paste, and the swelling was gone the next day.

Ever since this experience, just seeing the flowers brings delight and appreciation. Calendula is a soothing wound and skin remedy, able to heal all kinds of burns, swellings, bruises, stings, cuts and scratches. It‘s an essential to have in one‘s first aid kit, but can be used as daily skin care too. Making your own calendula flower oil is super easy.



Pick a few handful calendula flowers (heads only) at the peak of blossoming. Best time for harvest is around noon.

Brush off any dirt or bugs, but do not wash them.

Fill the whole flowers into a glass jar and cover with a high-quality organic oil. Use olive oil when making the oil to heal wounds. Use almond, jojoba or sesame oil when making the oil for daily skin use.

Let the jar sit at a sunny spot for 4-6 weeks. Shake the glas daily, or stir with a wooden stick.

Filter and fill in brown glas containers.

Use with appreciation and delight!


If you want to learn more about healing plants, their properties and usage, new ‘Ayurveda & Healing Herbs’ workshops and courses will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Sundari Ma

Ayurvedische Rezepte

Nourishing ‘Rose-Saffron-Almond Milk’

Nourishing ‘Rose-Saffron-Almond Milk’

breakfast for a blissful summer morning 🌸

1 cup of soaked and peeled organic almonds

2 medjool dates

rose water


tiny piece of ginger


pinch of black pepper

pinch of pink himalaya salt

Add almonds, dates and salt to blender. Blend until creamy. Separate milk from pulp. Add all other spices to milk, blend again and enjoy!

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