The fresh smell of elderflowers is simply wonderful. If you have not enjoyed elderflower tea before, you will rediscover your love for this incredible healing plant. The aroma is like wet dew and has a charming sweet fragrance. Once you sip it, things slow down and you feel embraced by tranquility. The flowers are great for relieving stress and one of the best natural remedies for flu and viral infections. In pagan traditions, the elderberry is associated with the Great Goddess, who brings forth all life, protects it and reabsorbs it. Every old farmhouse in Germany had its own elberberry bush nearby which warded off any negativity and was not allowed to be cut down. Elderberries are in full bloom here at the moment and I’m bringing in my harvest for the coming year. Maybe you are inspired to do so too. Please let me know 🙌🏼✨
Love Sundari Ma
Ayurvedische Rezepte
Stärkung des Immunsystems und der guten Laune
Wir beginnen mit unserer Reihe eines täglichen, kleinen Soma Yoga Tipps zur Stärkung des Immunsystems und der allgemeinen guten Laune 😉🥳 Also, hier der erste Tipp – bereite Dir und allen um Dich herum morgens oder nachmittags einen frisch gepressten Saft zu...
Sollten die Regale im Alnatura gerade leer geräumt sein, dann geh einfach in die Natur und hol Dir dort dein Abendessen! Der Waldboden füllt sich momentan mit einer Vielzahl von kraftvollen essbaren Wildkräutern, die den Körper unterstützen, sich zu reinigen und zu...
GHEE ~ THE GOLDEN NECTAR OF AYURVEDA From an ayurvedic perspective, ghee (clarified butter) is one of the most important substances that we can add to our diet. It is known as “ghrta” in Sanskrit, from the root “ghr,” which means “to shine.” The golden nectar of ghee...